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80:20 Freshly Roasted Filter Coffee

DelightFoods , Karnataka
Available in 250g,400g packs
Price includes: Packing charges of 0.00
Short Description :
There is nothing more refreshing than a piping hot cup of South Indian Filter Coffee. Now, you too can enjoy a fresh cup of aromatic filter coffee at the comfort of your home, the dream of every filter coffee lover. DelightFoods brings to you the irresistible blend of Arabica & Robusta at a very desirable price. Our 70 year old Master Roaster is from Gandhi Bazaar, the heart of old Bangalore, he picks the finest coffee beans from the world renowned coffee estates of Chikkamangaluru and carefully blends them to your liking. High quality coffee beans are roasted and ground in small quantities very frequently, to ensure that only the fresh, aromatic and flavourful coffee powder is delivered to each customer. 80% coffee and 20% chicory is preferred by the coffee connoisseurs who prefer the strength and the strong lingering aroma of the coffee. If you prefer a milder and more aromatic blend, please try our 90:10 and 100% variants. Vegetarian | Best Before 6 months | Store in air tight container
There is nothing more refreshing than a piping hot cup of South Indian Filter Coffee. Now, you too can enjoy a fresh cup of aromatic filter coffee at the comfort of your home, the dream of every filter coffee lover. DelightFoods brings to you the irresistible blend of Arabica & Robusta at a very desirable price. Our 70 year old Master Roaster is from Gandhi Bazaar, the heart of old Bangalore, he picks the finest coffee beans from the world renowned coffee estates of Chikkamangaluru and carefully blends them to your liking. High quality coffee beans are roasted and ground in small quantities very frequently, to ensure that only the fresh, aromatic and flavourful coffee powder is delivered to each customer. 80% coffee and 20% chicory is preferred by the coffee connoisseurs who prefer the strength and the strong lingering aroma of the coffee. If you prefer a milder and more aromatic blend, please try our 90:10 and 100% variants. Vegetarian | Best Before 6 months | Store in air tight container
Coffee blended with Chicory. This blend contains 80% Coffee and 20% Chicory
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