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Bhikharam's Soan Papdi 400g

DelightFoods , Delhi
Available in 400g packs
Price includes: Packing charges of 30.00
Short Description :

Savour the original hand-made Soan Papdi from Bhikharam Chandmal. This 175 year old sweet shop is known for its quality and their lachhedar Soan Papdi is something to die for. Bhikharam’s cube-shaped Soan Papdi is crisp and has a flaky texture.

Vegetarian | Best before 6 months from the date of packing | Keep in a cool and dry place

Savour the original hand-made Soan Papdi from Bhikharam Chandmal. This 175 year old sweet shop is known for its quality and their lachhedar Soan Papdi is something to die for. Bhikharam’s cube-shaped Soan Papdi is crisp and has a flaky texture.

Vegetarian | Best before 6 months from the date of packing | Keep in a cool and dry place

Gram flour, Sugar, Wheat flour, Cardamom, Pistachios and Almonds
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